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Artist: Les Brown

The following channels include songs by Les Brown

House Blend: Melodies & Memories + '50s Country

Easy listening pop classics with a touch of '50s Country

The Irving Berlin Songbook

The songs of the 20th century's most-successful composer

Christmas Standards

Tons of versions of classic holiday pop standards

Old-Fashioned Christmas

The classics! The greatest traditional Christmas records you've loved for years

One Song Radio: "Let It Snow! Snow! Snow!"

A blizzard of different versions of this classic holiday tune

Spice Tracks

Non-traditional holiday music styles, artists, and songs

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Holiday Jazz

Straight-ahead Christmas jazz

Fifty/Fifty Jazz Holiday Blend

Great Jazz and Jazz renditions of holiday tunes at a 1-to-1 ratio

Big Band Delights

Swing to the classic Big Band sound

Jazzy Christmas Party

A swingin' holiday sound for a cool yule with Ella Fitzgerald, Lionel Hampton, Louis Prima, and m...

The Music of World War II

Songs from, and inspired by, wartime America... plus historical recordings!

Swingin' Little Christmas

Holiday sounds for fans of crooners and horn sections with Ray Charles, Tony Bennett, Pearl Baile...

Curator's Choice: Jon's Family Holiday

You can enjoy the same holiday music that Jon, our Classical music programmer, will enjoy with hi...

Christmas Standards: Older Recordings

Recordings of classic Christmas standards from the '40 to the '70s

Fifty/Fifty Pop Standards + Swingin' Little Christmas

A 1:1 cocktail of "year round" and seasonal crooners' tunes


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